Public Art Projects: Facilitator/Curator


Dream Catcher
1 Hotel
West Hollywood, California


Dream Catcher, Janet Echelman’s monumental 90 foot tall sculpture transforms the open space between the two wings of a hotel into a dynamic, compelling and translucent art installation.  A group of suspended forms composed of colored fiber netting create a gently moving, transparent sculpture almost the height of the ten story buildings.  The combination of engineering innovation and artistic vision makes Dream Catcher a destination artwork for Los Angeles.

Echelman’s design is informed by brain wave research and the kinds of graphic data representations of dream states that scientists are now making. Echelman was inspired by idea of hotel guests dreaming while in their rooms within the two buildings that cradle and support the sculpture. Dreams are not only private experiences, they are also social and cultural ones. Dream Catcher is an apt title not only for how it speaks to the guests of the hotel, but to the larger Los Angeles region and its identity as a global epicenter for entertainment and media – in fact the place where cultural and personal dreams are invented and pursued.

Client: CIM Group